
1 Reason for the Season

Written by Rogers Home Improvement When the ice and snow melt, many homeowners find themselves looking for room for improvement in their houses. Spring is a great season to tackle some larger projects that you can enjoy all summer long and that will make a big...

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2 Ways to Find Peace & Joy Amid Stress

2 Ways to Find Peace & Joy Amid Stress

Finding peace among stress. For some it might seem downright impossible to achieve on their own. Some consult a psychiatrist in search for answers. After all, a psychiatrist should be able to lend a helpful ear and provide their patient with a few alternatives to try...

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6 Ways to Pay It Forward Without Money

6 Ways to Pay It Forward Without Money

Last Friday, I casually turned on the news only to find the horrific tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary that rocked our world. I reacted as the rest of our country did - shock, sorrow, grief, and a pit in my stomach reminding me that we live in a broken world. Though I...

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7 Surprising Benefits of Cinnamon!

7 Surprising Benefits of Cinnamon!

Despite the fact that he likes 90%+ of what I cook, the hubby always rolls his eyes at the quantity and array of seasonings that I use when I cook. Especially when it comes to cinnamon. I adore using it in almost everything - steel cut oats, sweet potatoes, sautéed...

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