Chicken & Veggie “Fried Rice”

Chicken & Veggie “Fried Rice”

“Can we cook something DIFFERENT for dinner tonight?” …said my hungry husband on Monday. He has every right to complain. Ever since I’ve started blogging and doing my Master’s program, working for a naturopathic doctor, and doing...
9 Quick Tips to a Gluten-Free Lifestyle

9 Quick Tips to a Gluten-Free Lifestyle

So! We left off last week with 5 reasons for going gluten-free, and the previous discussed the basics of gluten. Today’s post will cover the HOW of going gluten-free.  ::: How in the world does one go gluten-free!? It seems crazy doesn’t it?? Just last...
5 Reasons to Go Gluten-Free

5 Reasons to Go Gluten-Free

In last week’s post, I discussed the slightly popular topic of gluten and WHAT it is here. Today’s post is on the WHY of going gluten-free.  ::: Let’s be honest. Most of the world thinks this whole gluten-free thing is a fad. I mean, how could our “daily bread” be...
The “What” on Gluten

The “What” on Gluten

When you tell people you don’t eat bread, things get weird. They get even weirder if you mention you don’t eat conventional pasta, crackers, cookies, cereal, pizza, or things with flour. In fact, 3 years ago, I remember the first time that a friend told me she wasn’t...
The Perfect Boiled Egg (Finally!)

The Perfect Boiled Egg (Finally!)

While riding in a taxi on the way to the airport last week, Kyle got hungry. Nothing new. Naturally, with 13 feet of body between the two of us, it’s pretty much going to happen to at least one of us. To avoid the hunger strike at the mercy of airport food, we...
Fats: Quantity, Quality, & Ways to Eat More!

Fats: Quantity, Quality, & Ways to Eat More!

In Part 1, we discussed the vital roles and types of fats, and in Part 2, we dug into the differing research on saturated fat, cholesterol, and its relation to heart health. Today, we wrap it up with discussing which fats to eat and which to ditch, along with ways to...
The Skinny on Fat Phobia

The Skinny on Fat Phobia

Fat. The word undoubtedly elicits a visceral response from most people; one ingrained in our culture to be avoided and detested – both in our diets and on our bodies. “Low fat,” “no fat,” and “fat-free” have dominated food labeling, marketing, and media, only...
A Different Kind of Birthday (Song)

A Different Kind of Birthday (Song)

About 15 years ago, my Dad came home from work EXTREMELY excited about a new Deborah Henson-Conant CD (yeah, who again?) he had purchased. All for ONE song. If you know my Dad, his childlike curiosity is an endearing trait that most definitely has not been matched by...