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On June 5th, my life and love of eggs for breakfast forever changed. Being the curious health experimenter/learner that I am, I decided to take an allergy sensitivity test "just for the heck of it." In case you're curious, an "allergy sensitivity" is a reaction from a...
A torn shoulder, an extended stay, and a spontaneous email. That’s how I met Luke Malski, owner and farmer at Reformation Growers, a rare gem of a thriving, organic urban garden in Grand Rapids, Michigan. With Kyle tearing his shoulder last fall, we were around...
In the battle between convenience and health, why do many of us choose convenience? Walk or drive? Drive. Cook dinner or eat out? Eat out. Call, email, or text? Text. Buy a book in a store or download it to a Kindle? Download. Pack a lunch or fast food? Fast food. In...
So! We left off last week with 5 reasons for going gluten-free, and the previous discussed the basics of gluten. Today's post will cover the HOW of going gluten-free. ::: How in the world does one go gluten-free!? It seems crazy doesn't it?? Just last week, I...
In last week’s post, I discussed the slightly popular topic of gluten and WHAT it is here. Today’s post is on the WHY of going gluten-free. ::: Let’s be honest. Most of the world thinks this whole gluten-free thing is a fad. I mean, how could our “daily bread” be...
While riding in a taxi on the way to the airport last week, Kyle got hungry. Nothing new. Naturally, with 13 feet of body between the two of us, it's pretty much going to happen to at least one of us. To avoid the hunger strike at the mercy of airport food, we packed...