Diet Dogma & Weight Loss

Red Vines Licorice. It’s Not About the Calories.

Red Vines Licorice. It’s Not About the Calories.

Deeply engrossed in Deep Nutrition: Why Our Genes Need Traditional Food by Catherine Shanahan, MD on a plane ride to NYC, I could feel the woman sitting next to me glancing at the pages. I used to play slot at daisy slots during my free time. Earlier in our flight,...

4 Reasons Diets Fail & What to Do

4 Reasons Diets Fail & What to Do

Tell me it's not true that you, or anyone you know, has NOT been on a diet. Atkins Diet South Beach Diet Weight Watchers Grapefruit Diet Pritikin Diet Nutrisystem Cabbage Soup Diet Zone Diet HCG Diet (Fill in the blank) Diet. Am I right here!? Seriously, diet...

Food Basics

Clearing Controversy: Saturated Fat, Cholesterol & Heart Health

Clearing Controversy: Saturated Fat, Cholesterol & Heart Health

In Part 1: The Skinny on Fats, we discussed the different roles, types and benefits of fat. In this post, we dig into the differing research on controversial saturated fat and its relation (or not) to cholesterol and heart health.  ::: Much of the controversy over fat...

The Skinny on Fat Phobia

The Skinny on Fat Phobia

Fat. The word undoubtedly elicits a visceral response from most people; one ingrained in our culture to be avoided and detested – both in our diets and on our bodies. “Low fat,” “no fat,” and “fat-free” have dominated food labeling, marketing, and media, only...

A Hidden Staple: Fermented Food (+ A Recipe)

A Hidden Staple: Fermented Food (+ A Recipe)

My hands look like I killed something blue. Who knew that purple cabbage could stain hands so much that it looks like I strangled a Smurf (remember Smurfs, anyone...)? Inspired with the cabbage-heavy Serbian culture and a recent chapter from my class on the benefits...

Eat Your Greens: Why and What!

Eat Your Greens: Why and What!

With tons of holiday food, holiday-induced (and year-end) stress, and the cold weather, we're already fighting an uphill battle to overcome flu season and maintain thriving health during these sun-deprived months. It's funny how the antidote to all of these issues is...

For the Love of Eggs (and Your Heart, Brain, Body!)

For the Love of Eggs (and Your Heart, Brain, Body!)

Two years ago, eggs (more like egg whites!) were a crucial part of my morning wake-up. A quick crack, and then I'd use the shells to sift out each egg white, leaving the yolk for the drain. If even a little yolk escaped to the pan, I would grab a spoon and carefully...

5 Reasons to Ditch the (Diet) Soda

5 Reasons to Ditch the (Diet) Soda

The addiction started in college, and only accelerated as I entered the workforce. Morning coffee? I'll take Diet Pepsi instead, thank you. Lunch beverage of choice? Diet Pepsi. Afternoon crash? Diet Pepsi. An excuse to get a quick breather from work? Diet Pepsi. Can...

Gut Health

The Way You Chew: A Reflection of the Way You Live?

The Way You Chew: A Reflection of the Way You Live?

Have you ever watched a baby or child eat? They instinctively chew and chew and chew, until their food is mush before swallowing. And it takes them a really long time to eat because of it. Similarly, my dad is an amazing outlier of our country's "non-chewing" culture....

5 Fast, Natural Immunity Boosters

5 Fast, Natural Immunity Boosters

Adults catch an average of 2 - 4 colds per year, and children may catch upwards of 8 - 10 colds annually (Colds in children, 2005)! With children back in school and the cold weather coming, the last thing you and your family need is to get sick. We're told to hurry up...

Real Food Tips

The Healthiest, Tastiest Cheese Substitute

The Healthiest, Tastiest Cheese Substitute

So, cheese. It's one of THE most delicious foods on Earth, isn't it? I love a big fat hunk of Gruyére cheese with a glass of red wine, but only once in a blue moon due to an unfortunate dairy sensitivity. I'd love to eat it 'til the cows come home, but I truly feel...

5 Steps to a Power Salad

5 Steps to a Power Salad

Another few weeks have already slipped by, haven't they? Unreal. My super active baby girl is now 5.5 months and close to crawling, has 2 teeth (ohhhh teething!), and wears 9-12 month clothing comfortably (I know. Seriously.).   We've also made it back across the...

My 3 Go-To Health & Nutrition Podcasts

My 3 Go-To Health & Nutrition Podcasts

Dear Readers, Has it really been over 4 months since my last post? I am seriously SO sorry. So much has transpired between then and now, like the fact that I had… a baby! Life Update Meet Charlize Tatroe Visser, who entered the world on March 4th at 8 lbs., 12 ounces...

Secrets to Getting Max Nutrients from Your Greens

Secrets to Getting Max Nutrients from Your Greens

Seriously, this should be mandatory for every single human to read in high school. I'm so glad I got my hands on it when I did, because it is blowing. my. mind. It's like the Clif notes version of how to shop, prepare, store, and eat vegetables and fruits for maximum...

The Ultimate Real Foodie Wish List

The Ultimate Real Foodie Wish List

Are you aware that we are just FIVE weeks away from Christmas? My brain can hardly comprehend it! Then again, it's starting to get a little more real thanks to our transplanted Charlie Brown Christmas Tree that Kyle plucked from the mountains this past week. It's...

Luxury Watch

Luxury Watch

Fundamentals to Choosing a Luxury Watch Choosing the right luxury watch is no easy task. With a huge range of fantastic models from prestigious brands across the world, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together the five key things you...