How to “Break Fast” Properly

How to “Break Fast” Properly

“Studies show that breakfast eaters tend to weigh less than breakfast skippers.” “Breakfast kickstarts metabolism, helps concentration, and improves performance in school and at work.”  Sound familiar!? Question: Have you taken the...
Love on Lard: Why Eating Bacon is Healthy

Love on Lard: Why Eating Bacon is Healthy

I love lard. Eggs cooked in lard. Chicken cooked in lard. Sweet potato hash fried in lard. Are you cringing yet? I grew up thinking that bacon and its grease was the devil. Didn’t we all? Not our grandparents or great-grandparents, necessarily. In the 19th century and...
The Woods Workout!

The Woods Workout!

Lately, I’m obsessed with working out outside. I often hijack playgrounds, stealing the monkey bars from the kids for pull-ups, using play structures for handstands, and basically make a fool of myself in front of stay-at-home mothers and their young ones.  Why...
Why More Vacation = a Healthier YOU

Why More Vacation = a Healthier YOU

Five months ago, I was on a plane home from a MUCH needed four-day boost in Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, Spain. I’m positive that seasonal depression is real, especially after living in Germany for a year!! The weather forecast? Rain, clouds, and 3 hours of...
Your Body is Your “House:” Take an Inventory

Your Body is Your “House:” Take an Inventory

This past fall, my husband and I were crazy enough to host four people in six weeks!! It was a blast, but also an interesting learning curve to figure out “proper hospitality” as newlyweds. We do happen to currently live in Germany, too, so it adds an...
A Legit Guide to the Organic Food Hype

A Legit Guide to the Organic Food Hype

We’ve all been hit with the organic food wave. I fought it for a while, not wanting to join the wheatgrass shot-drinking, “Coexist” sticker hippies. Isn’t it just a fad any way? An apple is an apple…is an apple, right!? Last summer,...
6 Reasons Pasteurized Milk Does a Body Bad

6 Reasons Pasteurized Milk Does a Body Bad

For all of you milk-chugging lovers out there, I can’t say I’ve ever been a huge fan. As a teenager, rather than spending the money my parents gave me to buy milk at lunch, I deviously saved it to spend on clothes instead. I mean, we all know that what we...